Get Your FREE "Publishing Secrets Kit"...


  • Checklists for the 90 Day Book Publishing Plan
  • ​ ​​Publishing Cheat Sheets
  • ​Sample Book Marketing Plan
  • ​Sample Marketing Images 
  • ​​Promotional Marketing Ideas to use
  • ​​SampleMedia Kit you can model
  • Special "Would You LIke to Create a Quality Book That Attracts Clients Like Crazy" Report

Grab Your Free Kit Here!

The Secret Publishing Kit (Digital)

Your "Secret Publishing Kit" includes: Checklists for the 90 Day Book Publishing Plan Publishing Cheat Sheets Sample Book Marketing Plan Sample Marketing Images Promotional Marketing Ideas Sample Media Kit Special "Would You LIke to Create a Quality Book That Attracts Clients Like Crazy" Report

Checklists To Guide You Through The Process


Designing, Creating, Publishing, Promoting and Evolving your book is a big task

Though it might be easier than you think - so we have provided several checklists in the kit to help guide you through the process. They are a simple breakdown of all the things you absolutely must do to publish your book, and if you're forgetting one of them, you need to do it. 

As you tick off the items on the checklists, you'll be able to see yourself making progress. It's a powerful thing to have a plan of action and all of the steps you need to complete. Of course, we detail these items in the book, but there are a lot of things to remember. They're a very handy bonus, so make good use of it!

Special "Would You LIke to Create a Quality Book That Attracts Clients Like Crazy" Report


Everyone has someone in their industry that stands out, someone who seems to be the expert.

How did he or she end up being considered a leader? Often because of social proof. They have given their peers enough evidence to indicate they must be an expert. More and more these days, we have to face growing demands for our attention. In business, this means attending to your work email, your webpage, your social media accounts, your HR needs, and much more. And there are only so many hours in the day, so you need to prioritize.

Whatever business you’re in, your #1 priority will always be to get new clients. But with all these distractions, how do you find the time? Well, what if we told you that there is a 100% guaranteed way to land new clients, as well as upsell new products, get yourself lucrative speaking gigs, and much more? And what if this solution made you a household name in your field?

Find out more in the full report...


Publishing Cheat Sheets


These cheat sheets are short guides to cretain aspects of publishing that we couldn't find a place to include inside the book.

They didn't warrant a full chapter, but the information was valuable, so we decided to include them in the Publishing Secrets Kit. So, if you need a good book synopsis for your book, or you're not sure how to go about doing a press release, or you want to include review excerpts somewhere but don't know where, look at these cheat sheets for guidance. 

A Sample Book Marketing Plan


Book marketing is something a lot of authors fail to think about properly.

So, before you even think about marketing your book, you should create a book marketing plan. In the kit, we have included a sample book marketing plan for you to use and modify for your own purposes.

The marketing of your book is just as important as the creation and publishing of it, so don't skip over it.


Sample Marketing Images


You need to promote your book, but you also need images of your book to promote it with!

Using just a flat image of the front cover or the full spread is boring and effortless. Show your audience you care by putting effort into the marketing images you use to market your book!

In the kit, we have included a number of the promotional images we've used to promote our own book, "Book Publishing Secrets For Entrepreneurs." Use these as a guide for creating your own marketing images for your own book.

Sample Media Kit


Once your book is launched you want to be able to attract media attention.

But the first thing you will be asked to send over is your "Media Kit". Having an attractive and well designed Media Kit will make sure you secure interviews and general media interest.

Our sample kit will give you all the important sections and ideas to have the best ever Media Kit including key areas such as Author BIO, Target Audience, Sample Interview questions and so much more...


Promotional Marketing Ideas


Now that your book is published the hard part starts for most authors.

How to market your book to the target audience.

Our promotional ideas sample pack is designed to give you some insights into ways to be creative to promote your book. We are constantly adding to this list and you will have life-time access when they do update.