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Solving Mole Problems (Chemistry Quick Guide Series)

by Melanie Fine

ASIN: B00R9334HC

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Do you have mole problems, not those pesky pest problems, but the other type of pesky problem, also known as: How will I ever be able to pass chemistry? Do you find chemistry unintelligible or uninteresting? If you do, then you’ve found the right book. In the Chemistry Quick Guide Series to Solving Mole Problems, I use my 18+ years’ experience teaching chemistry to help you master the “mole.” In this book I teach you what a mole is, how to find the mass of a mole of any chemical, how to figure out how many particles are in a mole, and how many liters a mole of a gas at standard temperature and pressure occupies. In Solving Mole Problems, you will develop a long-sought intimacy with Amadeo Avogadro, and worship the number named after him (even if he had nothing to do with discovering the number in the first place).

Chemistry can be fun and you can succeed at it, once you learn the basics. In the Chemistry Quick Guide Series to Solving Mole Problems, I will teach you the basics, and give you the tools to mastering all mole problems in your chemistry class.

I guide you through 19 sample chemistry problems, and 10 practice problems for you to solve on your own. All solutions are included.

If you’re tired of barely making it in your chemistry class, or aren’t making it at all, you need this book. And, for the low price of $0.99, you will find this book to be the cheapest and best chemistry tutor you can find.