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Make Democracy Work Again:: A Blueprint for the 2016 Election and Beyond

by Teresa M. Jenkins,Betty Gissendanner


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In any society there are two ways to get things done-democracy or some form of dictatorship. Our founding fathers chose democracy. Democracy is about finding ways to reconcile and balance the needs of different groups. Today we see a rise in a group of people who are against democracy and whose extreme demands diminish compromise and deal-making.They are willing to trample rules and customs if it means getting what they want.The result is that they don't recognize other people or the legitimacy of other ideas.Democracy working again depends on both political parties working together and having meaningful conversations. Not everyone will get exactly what they want for that is the beauty of democracy. It's about give and take No candidate is perfect or will give all of us exactly what we want because democracy is about balance. How we make democracy work again for the many and not the few is what this book is about.The answer lies with everyone who reads this book and the solution is not as daunting as it may appear.