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The Millennial's Ultimate Guide To Get Hired (How to get a new job, Hiring questions, Career books)

by Mark Nanez


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Getting a college degree doesn't mean much anymore.

It doesn't even guarantee that you will be employed upon graduation. If you feel that you haven't learned much, if you feel your resume isn't up to par, and if you feel there is no way you will get the job you want, this book is for you.

What you will learn:

    • Why Does a Personal Brand Matter Building Your Personal

    • Brand Through Social Media

    • Setting Yourself Apart The Mindset of getting hired

    • Why Our Generation Should Have Confidence Finding

    • Opportunities

    In this book, Mark Nanez will go over the steps he took to stand out amongst the crowd of new graduates and secure offers from Fortune 500 organizations. The steps in this book are carefully designed to give you direction, actionable items, and the confidence to go out to the job market, differentiate yourself, and get hired.

    Ready to get hired?

    Click the order now button and let's get started.