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Surviving a Cyberstalker: How to Prevent and Survive Cyberabuse and Stalking

by Alexis Moore

ASIN: B074P7K78Y

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This book is written to help you protect yourself from cyberabuse and stalking and to empower you to fight back. It is vital to regaining control over your life in case you and a cyberpredator or stalker ever cross paths. Many victims find little or no help from any law enforcement agency or victim service providers, even though there are stalking and cyberabuse laws. Regulations fail to evolve quickly enough to address the creativity and spontaneity of today's predators.

Alexis Moore is the foremost cyberstalking authority in the world and cyberabuse can take many forms. In this book she shares her creative tactics overcoming stalking and cyberstalking for those in similar situations, and how to utilize tools that are available to help readers protect and defend themselves.