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Finding Love After 40: Real Stories About Real Love in the Prime of Life (and a Little Beyond)

by Belinda Busteed Burum


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If you think you're too old for love or that you'll never find "the one," think again -- and get this inspiring, engaging, must-read book.  A #1 International Amazon Best Seller and IndieReader Best Reviewed Book, Finding Love After 40 will convince you that love is possible at any age. Dozens of fun, relatable and refreshingly honest stories reveal how a range of "normal" and famous couples found the most fulfilling love of their lives in midlife and even into their 90s. The book also shares insights and advice from experts, many of whom also found love later in life. If you've given up on love or know someone who needs a little encouragement, this book is for you. Even if you're under 40 (read it first, then give it to your mom!) or in your 50s, 60s,70s or well beyond, the book will give you hope and guide you to your own insights about how to find love. A great gift to yourself or someone you care about.