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Shattered, Scattered, Reinvented! How to recover from abuse, rape, injury, illness, divorce, loss or suffering. A journey to love, hope and healing.

by Davina Cooper


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This book takes you on a path to recovery, from abuse, rape, injury, illness, divorce, loss or suffering. A journey of love, hope and healing. This book was written by someone who has experienced all of these pains and more. This book was written to help empower you to get through the pain and struggle, when life “happens” to you. It is hard to see the light when you are in the middle of the darkness of life events. To know you are not alone or to see a way out of what is happening. If you are facing major obstacles in your life, you will find inspiration to move forward. You will see how you can embrace hope and take positive action to reinvent yourself and your life. You will be able to understand how to choose to create the life you desire.