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Hopey: From Commune to Corner Office

by Hope Mueller


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Hopey chronicles the story of a courageous girl in a '70s Southern Indiana commune, complete with flowers for dinner, a ball of acid in the freezer, and orgies on the living room floor. The chaos of her formative years, which are littered with violent episodes, periods of hunger and assaults, leads Hope to set off on her own at the age of fifteen.

Written as intense past moments, reflective chapters, and flash-forwards, these three voices come together to transcend time and connect the past and the present. Honest and raw, with no request for empathy or complaint, the book is a celebration of the human spirit and an exhilarating read. Hopey is a reminder that we can love, we can believe, and we, too, can be successful beyond all expectations—if we only dare to hope.

“Page turner! From the very first page, I had trouble putting it down and would stay up way too late reading it. The writing, content, and storytelling style is captivating.” ~Jennifer Hottell

“I did not stop reading it until I read the last word. It was so honest and brave. I grieved for her little girl self and I cheered for her as she fought to find her way. Such a story of courage, unconditional love and insight.” ~Audra Coleman