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Genuinely New!: Discovering Your New Leadership Identity, Powerful Purpose and Thriving Life After 60

by Gina Gardiner


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A powerful journal and question prompt to help you discover your late-life leadership power!

People are living longer, healthier lives than at any time in history. No longer are those who are in their 60’s over the hill - unless they choose to be. With a wealth of knowledge and experience to draw upon, it is time to step up and own your power as a life leader and to harness that potential in a whole different way.

Sixty has become the new forty, the new middle age, a time of expansion and growth. It is time to give yourself permission to start a whole new adventure! One where you create a new story where you get to explore a different way of being but with all the wisdom and experience you have developed over the years.

Time to become a leader in the new era of consciousness, to create a positive life experience and keep yourself vibrant and make a positive difference in the world.