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Stop the Monkey Business: Eight WTFs That Can Make or Break You as a Leader and Manager

by David L. Cleveland


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In Cleveland’s Primer to become a great leader, he makes it clear that WTF doesn’t stand for Win The future.
Compelling cases are made for why:
  • Execution eats Strategy for Breakfast. There is a reason there are thousands of successful companies that can’t even spell strategy.
  • The Truth Will Set You Free, especially when it comes to dealing with problem employees.
  • No one should have the authority to disappoint a customer, ever!
  • Succession Planning without first building the right Organization is like building a home without a plan. Hey! You’re not running a kool-aid stand.
  • Setting Core Values that don’t focus on your customer's needs and wants is a waste of time.
  • Quit looking for the Holy Grail of Leadership. There is no one right way but four basic styles that you need to learn now.
With a “been there and done that� approach, Cleveland makes this topic fun and informative for the new Manager and the Old Pro who needs to sharpen his or her skills.

“Dave Cleveland writes in a funny, straightforward if irreverent, style that is easy to read and direct in its approach to the real-world issues facing managers today. This book is a MUST READ for all managers, whether in big companies or small, and should be kept as a “pocket guide� reference on everyone’s desk.�
- Kent Harrell, Small Business Owner

“I have worked with this sassy, down-to-earth, and vocal leader for over 30 years. In a humorous way, it reflects simple and important learnings on how to conduct your life and do business successfully.�
- Andre Siegenthaler, retired Senior VP of Human Resources with Hilti International and Hilti North America

“…This book is exceptional in its straight-talk style, clarity, and execution, thus making it a powerful tool for all leaders and managers. The eight ‘WTFs’ are not only about how to ‘Win The Future,’ but also, ‘What To Fix!’.�
- Kristine A. Sexter
, Consultant andAuthor of “Rolling Out the Recognition, Employee Retention Strategies for Manufacturers�