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Gwendolyn Grows Up: A Regency Romance

by GL Robinson


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Set in Regency London, where honest employment possibilities for all women were few, and for gentlewomen fewer still, this is the story of a gentleman's daughter who expects her future to be like her past: looked after by someone who loves her.
But when Gwendolyn's parents die and leave her unprovided for, she is forced to earn her own living.
Heaven has blessed her with good looks, a sunny personality and a measure of good luck. But what can she actually do? The truth is, nothing. As she says herself, she doesn't know anything.
As life serves her a number of twists and turns, she undertakes a number of different occupations, falling lower and lower down the social scale. The only man she has ever loved seems far out of her reach. Besides, he's almost engaged to someone else. But everywhere she goes, she learns. Her spirit is indomitable.The pretty, empty-headed Gwendolyn grows into an informed and astute young woman.
Told with GL Robinson's characteristic wit, this is the story of a woman who triumphs over misfortune . And yes, along the way, she finds love.
