Di and Dee
by Norma Kaufman
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The fight for individuality is a battle that just about everyone faces, but almost nobody faces it as determinedly as an identical twin looking to distinguish herself from the twin label while still preserving the bond of being a twin.
The bond between a pair of identical twins is inexplicable. Its intricacies and nuances are known only to identical twins. It is an ever-twisting web.
So, what happens when you introduce a bit of rebellion into the mix? How are the lives of a pair of twins changed when one of the twins wants to see what’s out there for her as an individual? What happens when she wants to step beyond the boundaries of the twin label that has defined her, her entire life?
This book won’t try to unwind the tangled web that is the bond between identical twins but rather offer a glimpse into the inner workings and thoughts of a girl who wants to not let her identical-twin label define her. A girl who doesn’t want to be boxed in by the be-just-like-me restraints of her twin sister.
The vision of this novel is to highlight the struggles of a girl trying to balance it all as a teenager, while also looking for something more.