theCoderBros Go to White Castle: A Lighthearted Asian American Success Story
by Hansel Lynn,Wayne Teng
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Part memoir, part business book, part brazen showboating, theCoderBros Go to White Castle is the enlightening story of Hansel and Wayne, two best friends who transformed their passion for coding into a thriving lifestyle business.
Growing up as Asian-Americans in white America, they each navigated cultural challenges before eventually meeting in San Francisco. There, they began their up-and-down adventures that culminated in theCoderSchool, a national franchise business that teaches kids to code.
Foregoing the Silicon Valley ideology of “go big or die trying,� Hansel and Wayne don’t see theCoderSchool as their ticket to big money, but as a means to have great experiences. In this book, they offer an insider’s perspective on not only how to build a company that rewards you with a great lifestyle, but how to define the success that comes from it. Alongside business insights, Hansel and Wayne share personal anecdotes—from their single days in the Asian club scene to launching a punk rock cover band during the dot-com bust to meeting celebrities at NBA games, bringing humor and humanity to their professional Journey.
More than a business memoir or an Asian-American success story, this book is a light-hearted look at how two best friends worked together to build a lifestyle they’ve always wanted. It’s about the decisions that built a successful franchising business and the people they’ve met along the way. It’s about how theCoderBros got to their White Castle.