Everything You Know About Marketing Is Wrong!


Everything You Know About Marketing Is Wrong:  

How to Immediately Generate More Leads, Attract More Clients and Make More Money

by John North

GRAB A COPY HERE: https://evolveglobalpublishing.com/show-book/B00RMF0E4I

This book argues that traditional marketing tactics are ineffective in the modern business landscape. It emphasizes the need to understand customer psychology and challenges common marketing platitudes. The author, John North, advocates for a customer-centric approach that prioritizes value over price and focuses on building long-term relationships.

Key Ideas & Facts:

  • The Conversion Equation: North introduces a model that emphasizes aligning a business's internal reality (its systems, processes, and values) with its external perception (how customers view the business). He argues that jargon-filled marketing fails to bridge this gap.
  • “You simply can’t describe, demonstrate, exhibit, reveal, or display your inside reality using jargon. It’s impossible!”
  • Uptime & Downtime: North delves into consumer psychology by explaining the concepts of "uptime" (active engagement) and "downtime" (running on autopilot). Effective marketing, he argues, should use "activators" and "hot buttons" to shift prospects from downtime to uptime, grabbing their attention and piquing their interest.
  • The Importance of Value: The book emphasizes that customers are not solely driven by price but seek the best value for their money. Businesses should focus on highlighting their unique selling propositions (USPs) and market dominating positions (MDPs) to demonstrate value.
  • "Prospects and customers DON’T buy based on price, they buy based on the value they receive for the price they pay."
  • Building Relationships: North stresses the importance of building long-term relationships with customers through educational marketing and exceptional service. He advocates for strategies like reactivating old customers, nurturing leads, and implementing strong referral systems.
  • Generating Leads: The book offers practical advice for generating leads, including creating compelling "30 Second Introductions" (elevator pitches), crafting effective calls to action, and leveraging online marketing tools like Google Adwords and social media platforms.
  • Increasing Transactions & Prices: North provides strategies for increasing both the number of transactions and the average sale value. He encourages businesses to implement upselling and cross-selling techniques, overcome price objections by highlighting value, and use psychological pricing strategies.
  • Million Dollar Plus Business: The book concludes by outlining the steps for building a million-dollar business, focusing on developing the right mindset, building strong teams, implementing effective systems, and continually seeking opportunities for improvement.


  • "The key to marketing is to get your prospect out of downtime and into uptime."
  • "Your best bet to successfully interrupt and engage your target market is to identify problems, frustrations, uncertainties and annoyances your prospects have... and then address them in your marketing."
  • "Creating added value is a strategy that can take the form of a product or service that’s added to your original offering for free or as part of a discounted package."
  • "Your prospects are NOT shopping for the lowest price. They ARE shopping for the best deal. That means they’re looking for the most VALUE for the price they do pay."
  • "Before anyone can become a millionaire they need to think like one."

Overall Impression: "Everything You Know About Marketing Is Wrong!" offers a practical and insightful guide for businesses looking to thrive in a competitive market. It challenges traditional marketing assumptions and provides actionable strategies for building a successful, customer-centric business. However, the book's tone can be quite assertive and may come across as somewhat self-promotional at times.

Everything You Know About Marketing Is Wrong! FAQ

1. Is traditional marketing dead? What's wrong with my current marketing approach?

Traditional marketing heavily relies on jargon-filled advertising that interrupts instead of engaging. It focuses on generic claims like "best service" or "lowest prices," which fail to convey any real value or differentiate a business from its competitors. Today's consumers are bombarded with information and have developed banner blindness to these empty claims.

2. What is the key to effective marketing in the modern age?

Effective marketing requires understanding how the human brain processes information. It's about shifting a prospect's state from "downtime" (autopilot) to "uptime" (active engagement) by tapping into their "reticular activator." This involves identifying and addressing their specific pain points, needs, and desires.

3. How can I make my marketing messages stand out and resonate with my target audience?

Ditch the jargon! Focus on crafting marketing materials that:

  • Highlight your "Market Dominating Position": What unique value proposition sets you apart from the competition?
  • Use "Hot Buttons": Address prospects' pain points and offer solutions.
  • Provide "Informational Offers": Educate your audience with valuable content that guides their decision-making process.
  • Craft a powerful "30 Second Introduction": Explain your value proposition in a concise and compelling way that resonates with your ideal customer.

4. What is the "Conversion Equation," and how can it help my business?

The Conversion Equation is a process that helps you replace jargon with compelling messaging:

  1. Identify your Inside Reality: What truly makes your business exceptional?
  2. Communicate your Outside Perception: How do your customers perceive your business?
  3. Bridge the Gap: Use specific examples, stories, and proof points to align your outside perception with your inside reality.

5. What role do social media and online marketing play in a successful marketing strategy?

Social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube are essential for reaching your target audience online. You can use them to:

  • Share valuable content: Establish your expertise and build trust.
  • Run targeted ads: Reach specific demographics and interests.
  • Engage with your audience: Build relationships and foster brand loyalty.
  • Utilize Google Adwords: Drive traffic to your website precisely when people are searching for what you offer.

6. How can I generate more leads and convert them into paying customers?

Utilize a multi-faceted approach that includes:

  • Compelling Calls to Action: Entice immediate action with clear and irresistible offers.
  • High-Converting Websites: Design your website to capture leads with strategically placed "Offer Boxes" above the fold.
  • Lead Magnets: Offer valuable resources like free reports, ebooks, or consultations in exchange for contact information.
  • Referral Systems: Encourage customer loyalty and word-of-mouth marketing with attractive referral programs.

7. How can I increase my profits without losing customers?

Don't be afraid to raise your prices strategically:

  • Implement "Instant Price Increases": Leverage the psychology of pricing by making small incremental increases.
  • Utilize "Up-selling" and "Cross-selling": Offer higher-value products or services and complementary items to increase transaction values.
  • Reactivate Old Customers: Re-engage past customers with targeted offers and communications.
  • Focus on Value: Continuously add value to your offerings to justify premium pricing.

8. What is the key takeaway from "Everything You Know About Marketing Is Wrong!"?

Marketing is not about manipulation; it's about understanding and meeting your customers' needs. By embracing a customer-centric approach, ditching the jargon, and focusing on genuine value, you can achieve extraordinary results and build a thriving business.



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