Helping Entrepreneurs and Authors Easily Publish Their Book...

"Phenomenal Experience, Cost Effective, Fantastically Easy to Deal With, and Always Responsive"
Chris J Reed 4 Time #1 Best Selling Author

Published authors make more money, get more attention, have more freedom, and given the opportunity to share their message with the world.

The global publishing industry has a market size of $89.25 billion and projected to grow at a CAGR of 6.1% through 2027.


Which "Publishing Path" is Right For Your Book?

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Ready to Create or Publish Your Book?

It is vital to publish your book with an expert publisher that will work with you to become a successful author. Evolve Global Publishing has the necessary experience and expertise not only in book publishing, but also in book promotion and marketing. This means your book can reach the widest possible audience. We have been responsible for publishing over 350 books in the past 3 years.



Worry Free... Professional... On Schedule...

Published authors make more money, get more attention, have more freedom, and are given the opportunity to share their message with the world.

  • We focus on building your Credibility, Likeability and Authority.
  • What to write about? leverage our experience to write the right book the first time!
  • Who to write for? One of the biggest mistakes new authors make is not thinking about their target audience.
  • What to name it? Getting the wrong title is another common mistake made by new authors
  • Using our unique methods we can help create or enhance your existing content.


  • Imagine….  You can offer a non-fiction book; become a bestseller, while attracting a steady flow of new business.
  • Once your book is ready for worldwide release, Evolve Global Publishing will enable your book to be purchased on virtually every known platform.  
  • We help create your Book Cover design or use your existing files.
  • If you don't have a manuscript we help your write, edit and proofread your book.  
  • We format your manuscript for Print and Digital formats, including softcover, hardcover, and ePub.
  • ​Launch your book for #1 Best-Seller Status in multiple categories and countries.
  • Publish for digital and print for Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple and Kobo. .


  • The final step...You become recognized as an authority, even a celebrity in your field in a matter of months, not years or decades.
  • The biggest brands, platforms and networks in the world like Google, YouTube, Amazon, Twitter, Apple, Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook etc. will help promote and sell your books, build your list and reputation while promoting your content to social networks.
  • When you use the proven influence and persuasion techniques to bring in readers and listeners to your business, they can easily become a customer for your more expensive products or high-paid consulting clients.
  • Your new book is designed to create a relationship and conversation with your prospects and readers so that they can connect and bond with you, follow you, and buy from you.
  • ​According to a BusinessWeek survey, 96% of authors saw positive benefits from their book, such as easier access to media/PR exposure, commanding higher speaking and consulting fees, increasing their credibility and reach—and simply earning more.


Book Publishing Secrets For Entrepreneurs

What Is This Book About?

Having a published book is one of the most powerful ways to gain authority in your industry.

It's the ultimate marketing strategy that sells itself. Discover how to write and publish your own book and get it into the hands of as many people as possible. Learn how to create a book around your business, or even launch a whole new business.

The great thing about writing a book is that it not only ensures that you get crystal clear on what you do, but also how you do it. The five steps that guided the creation of this book will save countless hours of your time. 

Create it, conceive it, and publish it - all in less than 90 days. Then, evolve your completed book and become a #1 International Best Selling Author!


Book Publishing Secrets For Entrepreneurs (eBook)



Book Publishing Secrets For Entrepreneurs (Paperback Book)



Book Publishing Secrets For Entrepreneurs (Audio Book)




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Our Authors and Their Books...


Some of our many happy authors! We look forward to making you our next best-selling author!


Chris J Reed  the Only CEO With A Mohawk! A third time No. 1 International Bestselling Author with my latest book “Social Selling Mastery for Entrepreneurs: Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Social Selling”. My other bestseller books – “Personal Branding Mastery For Entrepreneurs” and “LinkedIn Mastery for Entrepreneurs”, the No.1 book about LinkedIn on Amazon.

Get it here


Doctor Warrick Bishop is a practicing cardiologist, #1 best selling author, and keynote speaker and who has a passion to help prevent heart disease on a global scale.  
A number of years ago something incredible, an amazing coincidence, happened that started Doctor Warrick Bishop on the mission to prevent heart attacks rather than try to cure them which is why he created The Healthy Heart Network.


Gina Gardiner is a Two-Time #1 International Best Selling author, Motivational speaker, Empowerment Coach, Transformational Leadership Trainer NLP Master Practitioner and Coach with well over 30 years experience of helping people achieve happiness and success. She is passionate about helping her clients to achieve their full potential – to become genuinely their best self.




Victoria Vives, #1 Best Selling Author, wrote In a Matter of Seconds. Victoria is a champion of truth and consciousness. Her diverse and colorful history gives her a unique perspective and keen ability to connect with people from all walks of life and also pierce the confounding veils of ambiguity and misdirection that are so frequently employed by the powers that be.

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Karen Phillip, #1 Best Selling Author, wrote Communication Harmony. Karen Phillip is a Counselling Psychotherapist; Clinical Hypnotherapist and the Parenting and Relationship Expert on television, radio and print media both here and overseas. She is an International Author and Key Note Speaker.

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Greg Larsen, author of Reconnect and Profit, is a multi-owner SME entrepreneur, investor, business advisor, and #1 international best-selling author. Greg has over 25 years’ experience owning and leading multi-industry companies to national and international sales growth through customer-centric values, building upon technology, strategic brand positioning, and internal financial and operational excellence.

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David Rossi, #1 Best Selling Author, wrote The Imperative Habit, so you too can move from dissatisfaction and suffering to joy, contentedness, and peace. The Imperative Habit details the seven habits that changed David’s life. In this book you learn how to shed old beliefs and make new ones, and how to practice and form habits, create growth, and eventually experience real transformation. David is a motivational speaker, personal, business, and achievement coach.

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Dean Mannix  #1 Best Selling Author, CEO & CO-Founder of  SALESITV. With over $50M in consulting and online sales and sales performance projects in over 25 countries, Dean knows how to achieve sales growth. He is recognised as one of the world’s leading sales performance coaches with 30 years of legal, finance, sales and management experience. Dean advises, coaches and trains senior executives from many of the world’s leading corporations that include Suncorp, Westpac, Macquarie Bank, Fairfax Media, News Corp, Meridian Energy, Medibank, Boston Consulting Group, and many more.

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Daniel Gefen #1 Best Selling Author is a serial entrepreneur and founder of Gefen Media Group - a podcast production and booking agency helping clients build a loyal following through the power of podcasting. He is also the host of the top-rated podcast show called 'Can I Pick Your Brain?' which has exceeded over 150,000 downloads and was named top 26 podcasts to listen to by CIO Magazine. He has interviewed over 100 thought leaders, Billionaires and celebrities.


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The question is, are you interested, or are you committed?

Are you committed to getting the additional freedom a book will give you, being in an elite group of published authors, and getting recognized and standing out?

Once your book is ready for worldwide release, Evolve Global Publishing will enable your book to be purchased on virtually every known platform. We will make your book available to thousands of major online and offline bookstores and retailers, which expands the size of the potential audience for your books.

We look forward to making you our next best-selling author!

Book an obligation-free call below and let's get you started!


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Hear What Our Authors Say...


"He made the process phenomenally easy, fantastically easy to deal with, and [was] always responsive."



"John approached me back in February, and we started talking about the book. And I'd always wanted to write a book. I never had the time to write a book.

So John pitched me with the idea of how easy it was; he promised 14 weeks, and he delivered in 14 weeks. He arranged everything, he structured everything, he brought everything together in terms of the compelling nature of the book, the content, the visuals, and the cover.

Not only did he deliver within the 14 weeks to the day, but he did deliver on the fact that it was a #1 best-selling book in America, in the UK, in Canada, in France and in Australia. It was a global phenomenon, just by publishing the book.

He made the process phenomenally easy, fantastically easy to deal with, and always responsive. The book has been phenomenal, but John enabled it to happen, because I could not have done this myself. John made it cost-effective, and he delivered on every single thing he said he would do, so I totally recommend John to publish your book."

Chris J Reed

Linkedin Mastery For Entrepreneurs
Personal Branding Mastery For Entrepreneurs
Social Selling Mastery For Entrepreneurs


"I feel like I’ve finally started this journey and there’s many more [adventures] to come with Evolve Global Publishing."



So, my search over the years has been for authentic people doing what they love, and I think my journey has been going through all sorts of formal education and trying different professions and industries, from marketing to IT and business development and strategic management, and what it is that is my path and my journey and my key message.

So, about five years ago, when I first discovered a message about a book being a nice tool to tell the world about yourself and what you stand for and who you are and what you believe in. I got very excited, but very quickly, I realised that it’s really difficult to do it by myself. So, it was not until I met John and his team that this actually became a reality.

So it was very wonderful for me to be supported by John and his team through my process, which took a very long time as I said, until I finally allowed myself to really say exactly what I wanted to say. And it was very special that John was very kind and uninvasive. He was kind of looking out for me; over me; very gently without pushing me necessarily. But because I’ve seen the work that he’s done with other authors and all of his success, I guess that was something that kept me excited and kept me in this state of knowing that one day I will be ready; one day I will be ready.

They have been so amazing with absolutely tolerating all of my changes and improvements, and making sure that I am super happy with the result, and I know that this is just the first of many. This is one of the other levels of inspiration that Evolve Global Publishing has given me; it’s stepping into this whole possibility. It’s not just, “oh my gosh, finally this book is here,” but rather, “oh, this first thing is done, but what’s next?” I’m already excited about what’s going to happen next. It’s wonderful; I feel like I’ve finally started this journey and there’s many more to come, adventures with Evolve Global Publishing.

So, thanks so much guys, it’s wonderful to be your client.

Alena Norman

Energy To Lead


"Anyone that's interested in becoming an authority in the field, I strongly suggest that you give John at Evolve Global Publishing a call."



When I contacted John at Evolve Global Publishing and went through all the steps that he goes through with all of his authors, I started to feel more comfortable and confident that the strategies he was using would actually work this time against what didn't work last time. And the whole process was step-by-step, very clear, made very precise, very transparent and open, and the editors he used and the information he provided was absolutely first-class. I was really, really happy with the process.

Anyone that's considering writing a book; particularly a self-help book, I would really strongly suggest that you contact John at Evolve Global Publishing. He can discuss with you the steps. He can help you formulate your book, give you plenty of suggestions, from getting the wording right to editing, the cover. Even the title of the book - the title I chose originally was completely different to the title we ended up with.

So, anyone that's interested in becoming an authority in the field and wanting to share their information and their knowledge, I strongly suggest that you give John at Evolve Global Publishing a call.

Karen Phillip

Communication Harmony


"You just have to find a way to stand out that makes you unique. I think that's where Evolve really helped me. "



"Before Evolve Global Publishing, I was struggling with standing out in a crowd. There's a sea of sameness out there. I'm an accountant, tax agent and financial planner, and ther is no shortage of us. Why should someone pick me?

You just have to find a way to stand out that makes you unique. You need to evoke something from your prospects that makes them want to pick you. I think that's where Evolve really helped me.

As a best-selling author, my credibiity and authority is no longer in question."

Frank Genovesi

Deduct Your Home


"I'm proud of the book, I take it everywhere, and we're sending out thousands of copies. I really owe this to John and the whole team at Evolve."



"Before I came to John and Evolve Global Publishing, I was trying to get it published on Amazon and in major bookstores, and we had a heck of time getting it formatted. We were up against a tight deadline. John's responses were very quick, very responsive. I just can't say enough good about what these guys did to get my book out the door out the time - and not just get it out, but I was thrilled with the way it looks.

I'm proud of the book, I take it everywhere, and we're sending out thousands of copies. I really owe this to John and the whole team at Evolve. I can't recommend them highly enough."

Todd Eldredge

Cardiovascular Wellness Management Success Plan


"If you have an idea, if you have a book, if you've written a book, can I tell you sincerely that you will do no better than talk to John North at Evolve Global Publishing."



"I am very, very pleased to tell you that Evolve Global Publishing has done a wonderful job with picking up this manuscript and getting it published, softcover, digital, hardcover; anything I wanted has been no problem.

John North has become, in a very short period of time, a close mate. He's honest, he's friendly, he's talented, he's sincere. They're qualities that are not that common these days.

So, if you have an idea, if you have a book, if you've written a book, can I tell you sincerely that you will do no better than talk to John North at Evolve Global Publishing.

I did, and I'm one happy author."

Bob "The Boss" Lloyd

Get Active Your Body Needs You


"John’s services were absolutely fantastic, very clear and easy to use."



"I published the book at the beginning of August this year, and by the 29th of August, it had reached best-selling in 14 categories in 4 categories, which is why I can call myself a “Best-Selling Author” now. That was in no small part to John’s and Evolve Global Publishing’s services in getting me that fantastic achievement.

There are many services on offer, but the one I was interested in was the best-selling campaign because I wanted my book to be visible and in the right categories, and I knew I needed help with that. Amazon’s structure is extremely complicated and I would have struggled to have done an effective job myself.

John’s services were absolutely fantastic, very clear and easy to use. I didn’t have to do that much work at all for the best-selling campaign; I just trusted in his abilities.

And it’s working! It’s opening doors; I’ve got press coverage coming in, slowly but surely, and that is definitely because I can send out notices and say that I’ve already achieved a best-seller, and it makes people more interested. So thanks, John, and thanks, Evolve Global Publishing!"

Rachel Davidson

The Point Of Me


"John is a sensational man who will help you through every step of the process"



"I love writing. And I thought to myself, if I do love writing, why not do a book that could help people live their dreams? It's hard to find the right people to help you in that dream. So, I found a gentleman called John North. John is a sensational man who will help you through every step of the process in actually publishing your book.

So much so, that we've actually hit #1 best-seller with The 11 Master Secrets To Business Success & Personal Fulfilment."

Barry Nicolaou

The 11 Master Secrets To Business Success & Personal Fulfilment


"He actually went above and beyond what I expected."



"By the time I'd written the book, I was so exhausted. I had run out of time, energy and inclination to actually go through the publishing process by myself. It was at this time that I met John North from Evolve Global Publishing. He picked up the process for me and he ran with it. He was extremely professional, knowledgeable, and he was ever so helpful throughout the whole process.

He actually went above and beyond what I expected. As a result, my book, Ignite The Spark, was published and become a #1 best-seller internationally."

Gina Mitchell

Ignite The Spark


"You won't regret the investment in yourself and the realisation of your dreams."



"I’m the author of “How To Lead A Corporate Spin-Off”. I wanted to take a few minutes, with my book in hand, to thank John North and his team at Evolve Global Publishing for helping me get my book and make my dream a reality.

I highly recommend John and his team at Evolve Global Publishing. You won’t reget the investment in yourself and the realisation of your dreams. Good luck with self-publishing your book, and I wish you the best of success."

Leda Csanka

How To Lead A Corporate Spin-Off


"Doing everything by myself cost me more time, money and frustration than having it done by John from the very beginning."



"I was very happy when I heard that John North had a great designer team, and indeed they gave me suggestions that I wouldn’t have thought of, and the result is a cover that I love.

The last step was to relaunch my book, and again, you cannot imagine how it feels to have someone who coordinates everything and not having to stress out that it is done correctly whether I forgot something. I love writing, I love to understand the publishing process and learn new things, but trust me, it’s priceless to have someone who holds your hand and watch him doing things he has mastered perfectly.

Doing everything by myself cost me more time, money and frustration than having it done by John from the very beginning. I’m sure you can relate. Doing it all by myself or delegating the tasks to different people one yo discover that the result isn’t what I hoped for is very frustrating. So working with John and his team was a very valuable and pleasant experience that I highly recommend. 

What I enjoyed the most was working with someone who has all the knowledges and services in the same place, instead of looking for a designer, then for someone else for another thing and hoping I made the right choice, the same company took care of everything I needed.

My relaunch was a great success. My book got its international best-selling status back, and of course, I am very, very happy with it. So thank you John, and his team.

Laura Van Den Berg-Sekac

Get Unstuck Now


"Thank you to John and the team at Evolvepreneur for their help, expertise, and at times, patience, in helping me complete a project that really does encapsulate my life's work."



My name is Scott Capelin. I've written a book called "inShape inLove inSpired". So, what I do is, I work in the health and wellness sector. I own a couple of fitness studios. I'm in the process of franchising those businesses. I suppose, over the last couple of decades, I've felt that it's all well and good to improve your fitness, but the philosophy behind the book is that peak health is the foundation of living a live of abundance.

So, basically, I like to think that I help people get the most out of life, and that all starts with peak health and fitness.

So, in terms of what my life was like before the best seller campaign, probably the biggest challenge I had was procrastination. Writing a book is something I had wanted to do for many years. I felt quite frustrated that I had not done it yet.

I came across John and Evolvepreneur and contacted John, and pretty much right away, I realised I was dealing with the right people.

Now that I've actually achieved a lifelong goal of writing an international #1 bestseller, I can probably say that the biggest positive is that I just feel so pleased, satisfied, and fulfilled with the achievement, and I'm happy also that I can use it in my marketing material. It forms a pretty strong piece of credibility for me to move forward with my career.

In closing, I'd really like to say thank you to John and the team at Evolvepreneur for their help, expertise, and at times, patience, in helping me complete a project that really does encapsulate my life's work.

Scott Capelin

inShape inLove inSpired

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