
Holistic EMF Protection Made Easy:

Practical Solutions to Safeguard Your home and Loved Ones From the Health Risks of Radiation Exposure

by Patrick van der Burght,Martin Latino,Farzad Nejatpour,Allen Cheney,Jason King,Noura Othman,Samir Derrar,Marcus Schluschen,Beata Rakowski,Azul Fernandez,David Lange 


Holistic EMF Protection Made Easy highlights potential health risks of Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) and provides practical mitigation strategies in homes and building practices.

Main Themes:

EMF Health Risks and EHS: This theme, mainly covered in Chapters 1 & 2, emphasizes potential health risks associated with prolonged EMF exposure. It argues that while official safety guidelines primarily consider thermal effects, evidence suggests a wider range of non-thermal impacts.

The book highlights Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS) as a condition linked to EMF exposure, citing symptoms like headaches, infertility, and even chronic diseases.

The Emergence of EHS
Among the first reported cases of Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity appears to be the father of wireless communication principles and the inventor of alternating currents, Nikola Tesla (1856-1943). His biography mentioned that “The ticking of a watch three rooms away sounded like the beat of hammers on an anvil.

It advocates for the Precautionary Principle, recommending minimizing exposure even without conclusive evidence of harm.
The book criticizes existing EMF exposure limits as inadequate, arguing that countries like Russia and Switzerland adopt stricter standards.

Identifying and Measuring EMF Sources:

Chapters 2, 3 & 4 delve into different EMF sources and provide guidance on measuring them using amateur EMF meters.
It differentiates between magnetic and electric fields within low-frequency radiation, highlighting sources like power lines, home wiring, and appliances.

The book examines radiofrequency radiation sources, including mobile phones, WiFi routers, smart meters, and radar, emphasizing their increasing prevalence and potential health impact.

It provides practical advice on using amateur EMF meters to assess exposure levels in various locations, both indoors and outdoors.

EMF Mitigation Strategies:

A significant portion of the book (Chapters 6-12) focuses on practical strategies to mitigate EMF exposure.
It offers simple tips like increasing distance from EMF sources, unplugging devices when not in use, and choosing wired connections over wireless.

The book extensively covers shielding methods using specialized paint, canopies, and fabrics to reduce EMF penetration.
It advocates for "Radiation-Free Building" practices, encouraging minimizing EMF exposure during the construction phase by carefully selecting land, considering electrical wiring layouts, and employing shielding materials.

Importance of Professional Assessment:

While encouraging personal awareness and mitigation efforts, the book emphasizes the importance of professional EMF home assessments (Chapter 5).

It argues that qualified specialists possess advanced equipment and expertise to accurately measure body voltage absorption of EMF radiation, offering a more comprehensive understanding of individual exposure levels.
The book advocates for consulting professionals to identify hidden EMF sources and receive tailored mitigation recommendations based on specific needs and living environments.

Important Ideas and Facts:

  • Dirty Electricity: The book identifies "dirty electricity" as a specific type of EMF pollution originating from interruptions in the flow of electrical current. It highlights sources like dimmer switches, fluorescent lights, and certain types of solar panel inverters, advising on mitigation through specialized filters.
  • Body Voltage vs. Air Measurements: The authors stress that assessing body voltage absorption of EMF is more critical than measuring air density alone. They argue that the body acts as an antenna, accumulating EMF radiation, and professional equipment is necessary to accurately assess this absorption.
  • Wiring Errors and Stray Currents: Chapter 9 highlights potential magnetic field issues arising from faulty electrical wiring, specifically addressing "net current" problems and stray currents from grounding issues. It recommends professional inspection and correction to mitigate these issues.
  • Healthy Solar Energy Systems: The book emphasizes the importance of choosing appropriate solar panel systems and battery types to minimize EMF exposure. It advises against using inverters that generate high levels of dirty electricity and recommends lithium batteries with pulsing charge controllers.
  • Metal-Free Mattresses: The authors recommend opting for mattresses without metal components, as metal springs can create magnetic fields that disrupt sleep.

Overall, "Holistic EMF Protection Made Easy" presents a comprehensive guide for understanding and mitigating EMF exposure in homes and building practices. It combines scientific evidence, practical advice, and a strong advocacy for proactive measures to create healthier living environments in our increasingly electrified world.

EMF Protection FAQ

1. What are the main types of EMF radiation and their sources?

There are three main types of EMF radiation:

  • Magnetic fields (MF): Generated by the flow of electrical current, sources include power lines, electrical wiring, appliances, and some mattresses.
  • Electric fields (EF): Produced by voltage in electrical wiring and appliances, even when turned off.
  • Radiofrequency radiation (RF): Emitted by wireless devices like cell phones, Wi-Fi routers, smart meters, and Bluetooth devices.

2. What are the potential health risks associated with EMF exposure?

While research is ongoing, some studies suggest links between prolonged EMF exposure and various health issues such as:

  • Sleep disturbances: EMF can suppress melatonin production, impacting sleep quality.
  • Neurological effects: Headaches, brain fog, and difficulty concentrating are reported.
  • Cardiovascular concerns: Some studies suggest a connection between EMF and heart rate variability.
  • Increased oxidative stress: This can contribute to various health problems.
  • Possible cancer risk: The World Health Organization classifies RF radiation as a possible carcinogen.

3. What is "dirty electricity," and why is it a concern?

Dirty electricity refers to high-frequency electrical noise that disrupts the smooth flow of electricity in wiring. It's caused by electronic devices that constantly switch current on and off. Concerns include:

  • It can radiate from wiring and appliances into living spaces.
  • Some studies suggest a link between DE and various health issues.

4. How can I measure EMF levels in my home?

You can measure EMF levels using an EMF meter. There are two main types:

  • Amateur meters: Affordable and easy to use, they provide basic readings of MF, EF, and RF.
  • Professional meters: More expensive and sophisticated, offering detailed analysis and body voltage readings.

5. What are some simple steps to reduce EMF exposure at home?

  • Distance is your friend: Keep a safe distance from EMF sources like Wi-Fi routers, cordless phones, and appliances when in use.
  • Hardwire whenever possible: Use ethernet cables for internet connectivity instead of Wi-Fi.
  • Turn off what you don't use: Switch off Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and appliances when not needed.
  • Unplug before sleep: Unplug electrical devices near your bed to reduce EF exposure.
  • Choose a low-EMF mattress: Opt for a mattress without metal springs that can create magnetic fields.

6. What is EMF shielding paint, and how effective is it?

EMF shielding paint contains conductive materials that can block or reduce EMF radiation. It's applied like regular paint and can be used on walls, ceilings, and floors.

  • Effectiveness: It can significantly reduce RF radiation and electric fields when properly applied and grounded.
  • Limitations: Shielding paint is generally less effective against low-frequency magnetic fields.

7. What should I consider for EMF protection when building a new home?

  • Land selection: Choose a location away from power lines, transformers, and cell towers.
  • Wiring practices: Employ wiring techniques that minimize EMF emissions, such as star grounding.
  • Shielding options: Incorporate shielding materials like paint or fabrics during construction.
  • Appliance placement: Strategically locate appliances that emit high EMFs away from living areas.

8. What is a professional EMF home assessment, and when is it recommended?

A professional EMF assessment involves a trained consultant using specialized equipment to measure and identify EMF sources in your home. They provide tailored recommendations for mitigation. It's recommended:

  • When experiencing EMF-related health symptoms.
  • Before purchasing or renting a new home.
  • Before building or renovating to incorporate EMF mitigation strategies.



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